
Please let me know here or send an email to if you have any stories, advice, recipes, or anything that will help me and others with cancer, or those assisting those with cancer, cope better with the condition. Thanks.

12 responses to “Feedback

  1. Darlene Brown (Cousin)

    Hi Kurt,
    WE have never met, but your parents are, and always have been, since I was a child two of my most favorite people in the world. I am closer to your parents age than you or your sisters, I always thought your father was more like my big brother than my uncle.Even though we have never met since you are their son I know you have to be very special also. Well Cousin, I know I am rambling but I just wanted to let you know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I have been following you on Facebook, but now I will be able to follow your progress on this site. You have such a positive outlook Kurt, keep up the good hard fight. Thank you for this blog. Hopefully we will get to meet some day.

    • Wow. Are you sure we never met? I guess that my parents have always spoken of you in such wonderful ways so often growing up it seems that I know you so well. Melbourne is one of my favorite places and I would like to get down there as soon as I can to see all the family. It’s been too long. Thanks for visiting and especially thanks for the prayers Darlene. They’re working!

      I hope to see you soon.

  2. Kurt,
    I got your name from someone at work. I was diagnosed with AML in October 2007. I underwent a BMT in April 2008.

    My advice, listen to your doctors and follow what they say. There will be all sorts of “friends” who will give you advice from what they have read on internet. There is a lot of good and bad information on internet – how do you know which is which?

    Keep a positive attitude, EAT and EXERCISE. There will be days in which you will not feel like it but you must force your self to walk and eat.

    Also, focus on one day at a time. It can be overwhelming to look at everything you are about to be subjected to – especially, when you do not know how you will make it to the next day.

    Hang in there, you can make it.

    • Jerry, thanks a ton for your positive message. There is no doubt in my military mind that I will make it. It is great hear from someone who already has the tee shirt, so to speak. I haven’t had any problems eating so far. It’s too cold to go out and walk so I do laps around the house. It’s amazing how tired all the junk I’m taking makes me feel.

      Thanks again. Keep in touch please.

  3. Kurt,
    Courage and Inspired, the two words I keep thinking as I read your posts each day. You keep fighting, we will keep praying for a quick and long recovery.


  4. みんなで祈ってるよ。愛に満ちたあなたのメッセージはわたしたちの希望です。治療は苦しいけど、神さまが力を与えてくださるように。大好きだよ。おねえちゃんより

  5. Kurt,
    Thinking of you often – pulling for you as well. I admire your strength and inspiration.

    Please let me know if I can do anything for you… don’t forget my wife is Japanese as well.. so if your wife needs an ear from time to time.. it’s there.


    • Hi Terry!
      It’s great hearing from you! Thank you for the nice comments and for being there for my family and me. I hope to see you soon Shipmate.

  6. Fred and Bernice B.

    Your approach to fighting this thing is inspirational. Keep up the good fight and our prayers are with you! We stand ready for anything that you and your family need. Your friends — Fred and Bernice

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