It’s Hard But Not That Hard

It’s hard to feel this old when I’m just this young.
It’s as if I’ve aged 30 years in the past ten months.
Is this how it feels when one is as old as I feel?

Does it hurt to stand like it does for me?
Does it hurt to sit like it does for me?
Does it hurt to walk like it does for me?
Does it hurt to eat like it does for me?
Does it hurt to sleep like it does for me?
Does it hurt to wake up like it does for me?
Does it hurt to go to the bathroom like it does for me?
Does it hurt to shower and to shave and to brush the teeth like it does for me?
Does everything hurt this much when one is as old as I feel?

Yes it’s hard to feel this old when I’m just this young.

But, I have to say,
I’d much rather feel as old as I feel
and hurt as much as I hurt
than suffering from
what could have been the alternative.

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